【劍獅曼陀羅 Sword .Lion Manadala】
A.台灣之名,源自安平,台灣古地名稱:”大員”, 之後輾轉蛻變為台灣 所以構圖上會有一圈, 一圈的圓,代表”圓滿” 在梵文中曼陀羅有”神聖的圓"之意。 由劍獅圍成一個圓,因而取名為劍獅曼陀羅。
The name “Taiwan” originates from a part of Anping named“Da Yuen,” after which it became the name “Taiwan.”
A circle is in the composition; the circle representing “Completion.”
In Sanskrit, mandala means "sacred circle.”
The mandala was made up of a circle and a sword lion, hence the name of the sword lion mandala.
B. 安平 AN-PING 反過來就是平安 PING-AN, 無論怎麼循環都是加倍平安 也就是(DOUBLE PEACE)
Anping reversed is Ping An. No matter how you arrange the words it is still means “double peace.”
C.1999 是”安平平安”創立的開始,也代表加倍平安久久
1999 marks the establishment of "Anping Ping An,” and it means that there will be lots of peace for a long time.
D.因應國際化把劍獅在安平、台南、台灣. 譯成英文”SWORD LION IN ANPING. TAINAN.TAIWAN. 讓國際友人也能了解劍獅是在地的文化特色.
For internationalization, the sword lion originally forms Anping, Tainan City of Taiwan.
We translated into English "SWORD LION IN ANPING. TAINAN.TAIWAN,” so that people from all over the world understand more about the cultural characteristics of the sword lion.
E.劍獅有「祁福」、「辟邪」、「勝利」、「成功」之意 我們設計了 12 隻劍獅,12 個在地風景,著名古蹟,戶外活動,生態旅遊,自然生態;
為什麼用 12 作為代表,12 有 12 個小時、12 個月、12 生肖,也就是時時刻刻守護平安
The sword lion has multiple meanings, including “Pray,”“Counteract evil forces,”“Victory,” and “Success.”
We designed 12 sword lions, 12 local scenes, famous monuments, outdoor activities, ecotourism, and natural ecology.
The use of the number 12 as the representative is because we have 12 hours, 12 months, and 12 zodiac signs, which means we are protected by the guardian at all times.
F.劍獅的由來:源自明鄭時期,國姓爺鄭成功士兵的盾牌,因為盾牌上有獅頭圖騰, 每當打完仗或操練完會順手把劍插在盾牌後,遠看就像獅咬劍,因當初還沒有 軍營時,官兵會借住在民宅,並把劍盾懸掛在牆上,由於安平靠海,有很多海賊
會上岸行搶,但是只要掛有劍盾的民家就平安無事,從此劍獅就成為台南安平特有 的守護神。劍獅持劍的方向:右手:辟邪,左手:祁福,咬雙劍:鎮煞
The origin of the sword lion:
It originated from the shield of a soldier named Zheng Chenggong in the Ming and Zheng dynasties because his shield had a lion head totem.
Whenever he fought or practiced, he would insert the sword behind the shield, which looked like a lion biting a sword.
At the barracks, officers and men would stay in resident houses, and they would hang their swords and shields on the walls. Because Anping was near the sea, there were many pirates. The pirates would go ashore to steal or rob, but as long as the sword and shield were hanging on the wall the home would be safe. The sword lion became unique to Tainan Anping’s guardians.
The direction of the Sword Lion had meaning: held in the right hand meant counteracting evil forces; held in the left hand meant praying; and, holding two swords meant warding off evil.
12 隻劍獅的名稱與對應位置,由 12 點鐘順時針方向分別為:
The names and corresponding positions of the 12 sword lions, clockwise from 12 o''''clock, are:
12:法力劍獅(Supernatural power sword lion)代表領導有方,法力無邊,有領導人 特質.
Supernatural power sword lion: Representing good leadership, boundless mana, and leadership traits.
1:大眼劍獅(Big eyes sword lion)增廣視野、看見未來 Broaden your views and see the future.
2:有擋頭劍獅(Defensive sword lion)壞事皆可擋、魅力無法擋 Keeps out bad things and brings more luck.
3:達摩劍獅(Harma sword lion) 慈悲為懷、普渡眾生 Compassion for all sentient beings.
4:綠巨人劍獅(Hulk sword lion) 巨大力量、過人高度 Great power and extraordinary heights.
5:鈴鼓劍獅(Tambourine sword lion ) 節奏律動、小孩守護神 Rhythm and guardian of children.
6:劍獅伊娘(Sword Lion''''s mother) 紓壓、包容、解放壓力 Relief, tolerance, and relieve of stress.
7:糖果劍獅(Candy sword lion) 開心、歡樂、小孩守護神 Happy, joyful, and guardians of children.
8:奶瓶劍獅(Child-care sword lion) 小孩守護神 Guardians of the children.
9:金剛劍獅(King-kong sword lion) 正義化身、一身勇氣 Incarnation of justice and courage.
10:捲毛劍獅(Hair-curling sword lion) 語言學習、溝通能力強 Powerful language learning and communication skills.
11:大鼻孔劍獅(Big nostril sword lion) 嗅覺敏銳度高、創意十足 High sense of smell and creativity.
在地意象名稱與對應位置,由 12 點鐘順時針方向分別為::
Local scenery, famous monuments, outdoor activities, eco-tourism, natural ecology that correspond clockwise from 12 o''''clock are ::
1:安平樹屋:原德記洋行倉庫,興建於十九世紀末及日治初期,後為大日本鹽業株式 會社,光復後改為台鹽倉庫,由於牆面上有榕樹寄生,經過了半世紀,形成特有的樹屋共生奇景,經過政府修建棧道,讓人穿梭於樹屋之間,體驗光影微風的美景
Anping Tree House: The Tak Kee Matheson former warehouse, built in the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the Japanese occupation, after the big Japanese Salt Co. The club was changed to Taiwan Salt Warehouse after the restoration.
After half a century the unique tree house was formed by the Banyan trees that grow on the walls. After the government reconstructed the pathway, people have been allowed to move among tree houses and experience the beauty of light and shadow.
2:林默娘公園:林默娘公園位於安平國家歷史風景區內,園區內的林默娘(媽祖)雕像 有別於廟宇的媽祖神像,是以林默娘的少女形像取樣,以温柔關愛的眼神看顧海 進出的船隻,庇護所有人的平安。
Lin Mo-Niang Memorial Park: It is located in Anping National Historical Scenic Area.
The statue of Lin Mo-Niang (Mazu) is different from the statue located in the temple.
The statue on the Memorial park is the image of Lin Mo Niang when she was a young girl. The statue is facing the sea with tender and caring eyes. It keeps the ships and people safe whenever they come and go from the sea.
Anping Sunset: One of the eight great sights of Taiwan since the Qing Dynasty is the An Ping sunset.
Canoe: Taiwan is an island, and canoeing is the most popular outdoor water sport on the Anping Canal.
5:風帆:台灣是個島嶼, 在安平運河與海邊最常見的戶外水上運動。
Sail: Taiwan is an island. Sailing is the most common outdoor water sports on the Anping Canal and the sea.
Uca crab: The Uca crab with its big claws is the most famous wetland creature of the saltwater stream Anping estuary.
7:安平小砲臺:建於 1840 年,時值鴉片戰爭,為抵禦英軍所建的海防措施之一。
An-Pin small Battery: Built in 1840 during the Opium War. One of the coastal defense measures established against the British Army.
Anping fishing boat: Anping was the earliest port in Taiwan''''s history and is currently the port where fishing boats are anchored.
9:德記洋行:是英商德記洋行在西元 1867 年在安平所設立的商業據點,主要從事砂糖、鹽、茶葉、樟腦及鴉片的貿易。
Tait Marketing & Distribution Co: It is a commercial base established by British
Commercial Tait International in Anping in 1867. It mainly engages in the trading of sugar, salt, tea, camphor, and opium.
10:億載金城:古稱安平大砲臺,為保衛府城,由清代大臣沈葆楨特聘法國工程師於西元 1876 年完成全臺第一座現代化西式砲臺,城垣四周有護城河。
Eternal Golden Castle: Anciently known as the Anping Cannon in order to defend the city.
A Qing dynasty minister, Shen Baozhen, specially hired an engineer from France.
The first modern western-style turret in Taiwan was completed in 1876 and included a moat around the city wall.
11:安平古堡:荷蘭人於 17 世紀初占領今日安平,建熱蘭遮城,鄭成功打敗荷蘭人後, 將此處改為安平鎮,後來清朝破壞熱蘭遮城建億載金城,日治時代重建,稱「安平古堡」,並於 1975 年將日治時燈塔重新整修成瞭望台加一尖型屋頂,即為現今的安平古堡。
Anping Fort (Anping gubao): The Dutch occupied Anping in the early 17th century.
They built Fort Zeelandia after Zheng Chenggong defeated the Dutch.
This place was changed to Anping Town. Later, the Qing Dynasty destroyed the city of Fort Zeelandia and built the Eternal Golden Castle.
Reconstructed in the Japanese era, it was called "Anping Fort.”In 1975, the lighthouse was renovated into a watchtower with a pointed roof, which is the Anping Fort now.
12:黑面琵鷺:全球瀕危鳥種,總數不超過 3000 隻,台江是全球黑面琵鷺最多的度冬棲息地,每年來台過冬的種數約有 1000 隻以上,其最大特徵是扁平如琵琶的嘴巴,連同臉部都是黑色,加上優雅的姿勢,而有「黑面舞者」的美稱。
Black-faced spoonbill: An endangered bird species worldwide, with a total of no more than 3,000.
Taijian is the place that most of the black-faced spoonbills come for winter habitat. More than 1,000 species come to Taiwan each year for winter. It is also known as the “Black-faced Dancer” because it has a mouth that is flat like a Pipa (flute), together with a face of black, plus its elegant poses.
A.台灣之名,源自安平,台灣古地名稱:”大員”, 之後輾轉蛻變為台灣所以構圖上會有一圈, 一圈的圓,代表”圓滿”在梵文中曼陀羅有”神聖的圓”之意。由劍獅圍成一個圓,因而取名為劍獅曼陀羅。
B. 安平 AN-PING 反過來就是平安 PING-AN, 無論怎麼循環都是加倍平安也就是(DOUBLE PEACE)
C.1999 是”安平平安”創立的開始,也代表加倍平安久久
我們設計了 12 隻劍獅,12 個在地風景,著名古蹟,戶外活動,生態旅遊,自然生態;為什麼用 12 作為代表,12 有 12 個小時、12 個月、12 生肖,也就是時時刻刻守護平安
[12 隻劍獅]的名稱與對應位置,由 12 點鐘順時針方向分別為:
12:法力劍獅(Supernature power sword lion)代表領導有方,法力無邊,有領導人特質.
1:大眼劍獅(Big eyes sword lion)增廣視野、看見未來
2:有擋頭劍獅(Defensive sword lion)壞事皆可擋、魅力無法擋
3:達摩劍獅(Harma sword lion) 慈悲為懷、普渡眾生
4:綠巨人劍獅(Hulk sword lion) 巨大力量、過人高度
5:鈴鼓劍獅( ) 節奏律動、小孩守護神
6:劍獅伊娘( ) 紓壓、包容、解放壓力
7:糖果劍獅( ) 開心、歡樂、小孩守護神
8:奶瓶劍獅(Child-care sword lion) 小孩守護神
9:金剛劍獅(King-kong sword lion) 正義化身、一身勇氣
10:捲毛劍獅(Hair-curling sword lion) 語言學習、溝通能力強
11:大鼻孔劍獅(Big nostril sword lion) 嗅覺敏銳度高、創意十足
[在地意象]名稱與對應位置,由 12 點鐘順時針方向分別為::
2:林默娘公園:林默娘公園位於宊平國家歷史風景區內,園區內的林默娘(媽祖)雕像有別於廟宇的媽祖神像,是以林默娘的 少女形像取樣,以温柔關愛的眼神看顧海港進出的船隻,庇護所有人的平安。
5:風帆:台灣是個島嶼, 在安平運河與海邊最常見的戶外水上運動。
7:安平小砲臺:建於 1840 年,時值鴉片戰爭,為抵禦英軍所建的海防措施之一。
9:德記洋行:是英商德記洋行在西元 1867 年在安平所設立的商業據點,主要從事砂糖、鹽、茶葉、樟腦及鴉片的貿易。
10:億載金城:古稱安平大砲臺,為保衛府城,由清代大臣沈葆楨特聘法國工程師於西元 1876 年完成全臺第一座現代化西式砲臺,城垣四周有護城河。
11:安平古堡:荷蘭人於 17 世紀初占領今日安平,建熱蘭遮城,鄭成功打敗荷蘭人後,將此處改為安平鎮,後來清朝破壞熱蘭遮城建億載金城,日治時代重建,稱「安平古堡」,並於 1975 年將日治時燈塔重新整修成瞭望台加一尖型屋頂,即為現今的安平古堡。
12:黑面琵鷺:全球瀕危鳥種,總數不超過 3000 隻,台江是全球黑面琵鷺最多的度冬棲息地,每年來台過冬的種數約有 1000 隻以上,其最大特徵是扁平如琵琶的嘴巴,連同臉部都是黑色,加上優雅的姿勢,而有「黑面舞者」的美稱。